Title Plants

Search Geographically indexed Title Plants for 96 Texas Counties and 15 New Mexico Counties.

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Currently Available
Andrews Concho Hansford Lubbock San Miguel, NM Wheeler
Aransas Cooke Hardeman Lynn San Patricio Wilbarger
Atascosa Coryell Hardin Madison Sandoval, NM Williamson
Bastrop Dallas Harris Martin Santa Fe, NM Wilson
Bell Deaf Smith Harrison Matagorda Sierra, NM Wise
Bernalillo, NM Denton Hays McLennan Smith Wood
Bexar Dimmit Hemphill McMullen Socorro, NM
Blanco Dona Ana, NM Henderson Medina Swisher
Brazoria Ector Hidalgo Midland Tarrant
Brazos Eddy, NM Howard Montgomery Taylor
Burleson El Paso Hunt Mora, NM Throckmorton
Burnet Ellis Hutchinson Nueces Tom Green
Cameron Fort Bend Jefferson Oldham Travis
Carson Galveston Johnson Parker Valencia, NM
Castro Glasscock Kaufman Parmer Van Zandt
Catron, NM Gray Kendall Potter Victoria
Chambers Grayson Lea, NM Randall Walker
Cibola, NM Gregg Leon Reeves Waller
Clay Grimes Liberty Rio Arriba, NM Ward
Collin Guadalupe, NM Llano Roberts Washington
Comal Guadalupe Loving Rockwall Webb

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