Current and Historical Title Plants
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Current Title Plants -
Title Plants Training Manual
- Geographically Indexed Title Plants from 1960’s
- Legal Description Search
- Name (Grantor/Grantee)
- Adverse Liens/Encumbrances
- Deed Restrictions
- Easements
- O&G Leases
- Map and Plats
- Starter and Bases
- Probates
- Civil Records
Historical Title Plants and Records
- Geographically Indexed Title Plants from 1800’s
- Historical Real Property Documents
- Grantor Grantee Indexes (Handwritten)
- Historical and Current Subdivision Plats
- Starters/Deed Restrictions
- (Records Vary per County)
Currently Available
Andrews |
Concho |
Hansford |
Lubbock |
San Miguel, NM |
Wheeler |
Aransas |
Cooke |
Hardeman |
Lynn |
San Patricio |
Wilbarger |
Atascosa |
Coryell |
Hardin |
Madison |
Sandoval, NM |
Williamson |
Bastrop |
Dallas |
Harris |
Martin |
Santa Fe, NM |
Wilson |
Bell |
Deaf Smith |
Harrison |
Matagorda |
Sierra, NM |
Wise |
Bernalillo, NM |
Denton |
Hays |
McLennan |
Smith |
Wood |
Bexar |
Dimmit |
Hemphill |
McMullen |
Socorro, NM |
Blanco |
Dona Ana, NM |
Henderson |
Medina |
Swisher |
Brazoria |
Ector |
Hidalgo |
Midland |
Tarrant |
Brazos |
Eddy, NM |
Howard |
Montgomery |
Taylor |
Burleson |
El Paso |
Hunt |
Mora, NM |
Throckmorton |
Burnet |
Ellis |
Hutchinson |
Nueces |
Tom Green |
Cameron |
Fort Bend |
Jefferson |
Oldham |
Travis |
Carson |
Galveston |
Johnson |
Parker |
Valencia, NM |
Castro |
Glasscock |
Kaufman |
Parmer |
Van Zandt |
Catron, NM |
Gray |
Kendall |
Potter |
Victoria |
Chambers |
Grayson |
Lea, NM |
Randall |
Walker |
Cibola, NM |
Gregg |
Leon |
Reeves |
Waller |
Clay |
Grimes |
Liberty |
Rio Arriba, NM |
Ward |
Collin |
Guadalupe, NM |
Llano |
Roberts |
Washington |
Comal |
Guadalupe |
Loving |
Rockwall |
Webb |
For more information or a demonstration, please feel free to
contact us.