Data Services
Courthousedirect is a national leader in data and offers the following services, contact us for more info.
API Integration
Our firm has been aggregating real estate, oil and gas and map information for many years and we are now able to provide access to this information through a Data Partnership known as an API(Application Programming Interface). You may likely have customers who need the information we provide. We give you the opportunity to earn additional revenue while enhancing you customer’s experience. You may also be part of a large organization who would prefer to have data in a customizable format thereby increasing you productivity. Contact us for more information.
Data Sets:
- Tax Assessor Data – Nationwide
- Deed & Mortgage Data – Nationwide
- Grantor Grantee Indexes – Texas & New Mexico
- Real Property Document Images – Texas & New Mexico
- Geographically Searchable Title Plants – Texas & New Mexico
- Ongoing Oil & Gas Recordings – Leases, Pooling Agreements, Mineral Deeds, etc.
- Ongoing Adverse/Involuntary Lien Recordings – IRS, State Tax, Abstracts of Judgment, etc.
Mortgage Marketing Leads
We’ve been matching Mortgage and Tax information for many years in a number of large Texas Counties. If you are interested in a mailing list of borrowers during a defined time period the we may be able to assist with a reasonably priced mailing list. Contact us for more information.
Title Plant Building Services
We are experts and converting microfilm, microfiche and/or hard copy paper into an electronic format to preserve a title plant while allowing your staff to be more productive. We are always seeking win win business relationships in which we help title agents take advantage of the latest web based technology while expanding their geographic footprint. Contact us for more information.
Starter Exchange
As Title Agents we know having a “Starter” can be a huge time-saver. We are always looking for ways to increase our Starter database. If you have quality Starters and would like to Exchange those Starters for cash or for Title Plant access then we would be interested in having that conversation. Contact us for more information.
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